About Me

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Henry Martin spends his nights writing fiction and poetry, which predominately deals with the often-overlooked aspects of humanity. He is the author of three novels: Escaping Barcelona, Finding Eivissa, and Eluding Reality; a short story collection, Coffee, Cigarettes, and Murderous Thoughts; and a poetry collection, The Silence Before Dawn. His most recent published project is a collection of Photostories in five volumes under the KSHM Project umbrella, for which he collaborated with Australian photographer Karl Strand, combining one of a kind images with short stories and vignettes. He is currently working on his next novel narrated in two opposing points of view. He lives with his family in the Northeast.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Seat plug

After many, many hours of sawing, rasping, and sanding, I'm finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Well, not yet, as the most difficult part has yet to be undertaken. I'm speaking of glassing the plug, of course.

Nevertheless, I'm somewhat relieved that the plug portion is in its final stages. I'm currently waiting for the latex paint I applied earlier to dry, and once that is ready, I'll be doing the final sanding.

Why latex? Firstly, it the glossy paint will show any surface imperfections much easier than the dull surface of the sanded foam. And secondly, the paint will provide some level of protection against any accidental splatter of whatever chemical crap I find myself working with. (I learned today that both Bondo filler, and a high build primer, are more than happy to dissolve this foam).

So, without further ado, here is the plug, one step away from being completed.

And a mock-up shot with a taillight.

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